Your Options

Thank you for considering cord blood donation.  Unfortunately, based on your donor screening responses, you do not meet the qualifications to donate your child’s cord blood to the nationwide inventory of cord blood units.

However, you still have the option of privately storing your child’s cord blood for your family’s exclusive use.  A 100% genetic match to your child and a partial match to other family members, cord blood is approved by the FDA to treat over 80 diseases, such as leukemia, sickle cell anemia, or blood cancer.

Should you have any questions about cord blood banking, please feel free to give us a call at 1-800-869-8608 or download our free information kit to learn more.

We offer lots of resources to help you learn more about the benefits of cord blood banking.  We are also here to answer any questions you may have about the process or about the benefits of cord blood stem cells.


If you want to start by reading some background information, we have created a FREE Information Guide, which you can download and share with your family and medical team.



Ready to choose your plan and reserve your Collection Kit?  Enroll online or call our customer service team at 800-869-8608 to talk to a cord blood specialist about which plan is right for you.



Our purpose is to provide the expectant mothers with information necessary to discover the lifesaving potential of umbilical cord blood.

Copyright Cord for Life 2019. All rights reserved.

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